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Old 12-12-2019, 02:10 PM
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Against The Current
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Default No good deed goes unpunished?

Bamagirl is correct in saying that political or religious discussions are near unavoidable. In fact, there are so many tells in one's language and conversation that you don't need to be some kind of analyst to figure out their leanings or values.

The very fact that both Scruffy and CC felt the inclination to defend the current administration and policy tells you where they likely stand. Having "known them" in some fashion, over the last year or years, I already had some idea of where they stand.

So place yourself in my shoes as a moderator when, as CC himself noted, a member uses the media's term of "concentration camp" to describe the ICE detention centers. And another asks if Trump is really that "inhumane." Consider also that Scruffy is self-admittedly hot tempered and has directed his temper at me on more than one occasion.

I figured, I should probably break up this discussion before Scruffy explodes on said members (one of them being relatively new) for their comments. Unfortunately, while my actions prevented an issue with them, it was directed towards me.

I wasn't trying to censor anyone, and I resent the implication. I also resent the implication that I don't approve of off topic conversations, when if that was the case, AAm would be the polar opposite of my happy place. It is not that I wanted to stamp out off topic conversation, I wanted to prevent a huge argument, and of course to remind everyone that political discussion is against forum rules.*

All in all, I would agree that this was a misunderstanding of near cosmic proportions

* To further clarify, those are not simply Merci Alizée's rules, but ones laid out by Brad and Ben, founders and owners of the forum.
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