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Old 12-13-2019, 07:42 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
Posts: 480
RedRafe is on a distinguished road

So, IG posts?

Lets see…

“World’s Best Dad”

Kind of “says it all”, doesn’t it…

Respect to Greg, for his beautiful bébé daughter, Maggy, his "talent", and, the fact that he has the “love” and “support” of one of the most beautiful and talented women, that I know of, Alizée...

Seriously, he must be doing something right…


Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
An amazingly beautiful picture.

I will admit to being absolutely “stunned” when I first saw this picture…

“Shocked” into an utterly “numb”, “inert”, “expressionless”, silence…

But not in a bad way…

There is a “phrase”, from one of my favourite series of novels, “Dune”, and that phrase, an “exclamation”, is “Kull wahad”. Now, in arabic, it means “every one”, I think, but, in the book, it translates as “I am profoundly stirred”…

I was indeed “ profoundly stirred”

It felt as if I had just witnessed the “hand” of one of the “divine”, at work…

I was seriously awestruck…

I could almost sense the “hand of karma at work”…

And that may have been why I was here, at this forum, in the first place…

To witness this, and I’m not sure if it was a good thing...

Or a bad one…


Yet again, I’m amazed by the “cold”, “hard”, fact that I have utterly NO defences against this "little lady", whatsoever...


She is total utter “Kryptonite”, to the RedRafe, which slightly worries me, no end…

There are 3, possibly 4 women on this whole planet, that affect me this way...

Two, I have already met, and barely “survived”. Now, I must admit, they were both wonderful to/for me, far more “wonderful” and “beautiful” than I deserved, honestly, and it was “fun” beyond all belief, but there were various serious reasons for us not being together, at that time in life, most of them “career” based, so most regretfully, we had to part…

I know where these two are, so, I don’t have to “worry” about “weathering” another “tussle” with them, which I probably wouldn’t survive…

Now the the 3rd, as we know, is very happily married to her utterly talented, “disgustingly” cute, “frenchiedancerboi” husband, who she adores, lives on Corsica, which is half a world away, annnddd, furthermore, doesn't even know of my "existence"…

So, y’know, It looks like I’m totally safe, from that one, and am in no “danger”, so to speak, "immediate" or "otherwise", from her, at all…


Well, dang…


So, where was I?


Alizée, she is indeed, “Perfect”…


As are you, “Little Corsican girl”…

<RedRafe decides to step back into the shadows, before the “Frenchiedancerboi” Ensemble, and, the local chapter of the “AlizéeFanBoi Legion Internationale”, “get their “act” together”, and start “breaking out” the “torches” and “pitchforks”>

<Snaps off a “cutesy little wave” to Alizée and Maggy>

Y’all take care, be safe, stay warm, and, if you encounter anyone that has the Flu, just, RUN AWAY...

Last edited by RedRafe; 12-13-2019 at 08:42 PM..
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