Thread: Annily
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Old 12-13-2019, 08:38 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
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RedRafe is on a distinguished road

Well, for all the fans of the “little”, “little lady”, another superb IG post…

I must admit, when I saw this one at first, I was a trifle confused, and thought that she had “dupe” posted an older post…

<Looks accusingly at the “Hot chocolate and Rum” he’s drinking, wondering if he put too much Rum in it>

<Wonders if he’s “o’d” on Flu medication, and is having “flashbacks” or something>

Nopes, it turns out that she is indeed back vacationing in Mauritius, again, and I’m not “cracking up”, or something…

“Back to Mauritius”

So, the “shot” above is the “new shot”…

And this older “shot”, is from, according to her IG page, “40 weeks” ago…

As you can see, she is just growing up, so so fast, which scares me ever so slightly…

Just means I’m getting older…


As “stunning”, “funny”, and, “intelligent” as she is, at 14, imagine how she will be, say, in her “twenties”…

Now there is a thought…

However, remember, Annily IS only 14, a rather “fetching” young girl, going through the “throes” of transitioning into a “stunning young lady”, and, without thought, or question, should be treated with the appropriate “courtesy” and “respect”…

As my Granny would have put it, “Keep yer nose to yourself, and your mind out of the gutter, or I WILL “slap a Harelip” on you”…

Trust me, she had uttely no compunctions about following that up at all, as I unfortunately found, to my cost, several times, in my youth…

“Courtesy”, and appropriate “respect”, always, please…

As always, Annily, thank you for sharing...

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