Thread: Memory Lane
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Old 12-19-2019, 09:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
It's sad when people post stuff like that. If she did it, I guess it's because she was still suffering: if you need to prove that you don't care, you care a lot.
Anyway I don't know when she could have posted it, but I tend to think that it was before Dals. Posting it during the show would have been too "direct"; Grégoire might have thought that he was the target and this would have put their working relationship at risk for no reason.
If it was posted during the show, I think it could be due to something that Grégoire did, but I don't think so. And anyway it's a childish way to solve a problem.
But as I said, I think she was still suffering, she wasn't at her best and it could be anything. But I can't doubt her kindness :/
When Alizee told Greg the story of her separation during DALS 4, she said she was still in love with "the father of her daughter" (she didn't say his name). Not that she still loved him, but that was still in love with him. Big difference. Alizee spent 10 years chasing a man who wouldn't, or couldn't, love back. That is 10 years of rejection, and add to that she felt like a complete failure.

A death of a marriage is almost as bad as the death of a spouse. You go through all the stages of grief. Shock and denial, pain and guilt, anger, depression and finally acceptance. The whole thing is a nightmare and people do things that are normally out of character. In my opinion, her posting that valentine's meme shows she was probably in the midst of anger/depression. Her 5th album revealed a lot of pain, and that is why it is so hard for me to listen to it. Alizee worked through her grief in a way that felt right for her at the time, but it's not to say she might have said or done things she regretted. There are people that start risky behavior during or after a divorce, but at least Alizee had an anchor which helped keep her centered, which was Annily.

It probably wasn't so easy for Greg either at first. He probably had to do a LOT of listening. She entered his life with a good amount of baggage along with a daughter that wasn't his. He had to have shown a great deal of patience. But the payoff was huge. Alizee the last few years has been like a brand new woman who has left the past behind. I wish them well.
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