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Old 01-15-2020, 06:52 PM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
This is interesting. I really did not expect this big of a difference from French.

The note to send to them was the simple message of "We at send warmest congratulations on the birth of your sweet baby girl, Maggy!"
From what I have seen, Corsican is more similar to Italian than to French. I bet that if you speak to an Italian in Corsican, they will think that you are from Sardinia or Sicily. Just to make you understand, here is the translation of the message to Italian:

"Noi di Alizé ti mandiamo i nostri auguri più sinceri per la nascita della tua cara bambina"

It seems the same language! The only word that is completely different is "ciuccia". It might be "pure" corsican. There are a lot of words in regional dialects (languages) that sounds completely different from, in this case, italian. I translated it as "bambina", which means child but it would be interesting to know what the origin of the word is... "Ciuccia" is really similar to "ciuccio", which means pacifier in italian. But I guess the masculine version of the corsican word is "ciuccio" or "ciucciu", so it might be a reference. I don't know, but, if didn't know it was Corsican, I would have thought of an Italian dialect.

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post

Bamagirl was friends with somebody from France and he was able to translate the message to Corsican. Then things became more complicated because we learned there was French Corsican and south Corsican and "real" Corsican.

It was at that point we decided to let Nathalie do the translation for us because she felt that a message in Alizee's native dialect would be very meaningful to her.

So, I'm not sure what it exactly says now, but I'm sure the message is nice.
You had a great idea. Sorry, but I'll do another example with Italy XD, because I don't know how dialects work in other countries, but Corse seems a lot similar.
Just consider Naples and its province. If you take a person from the southern province, one from the city and one from the northern province and make them speak in their dialects, they will understand each other. But they will have some peculiar words and intonation that make you understand that they are from your region, but from another area.

I said this because, if Corse is similar to Italian regions, the message will be even more personal. So, everyone who worked for this gift, very well done!
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