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Old 02-28-2020, 08:59 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
Posts: 480
RedRafe is on a distinguished road


IG posts…

There may be a couple…

Il était une fois, il y a 20 ans” roughly translates as “once upon a time, 20 years ago”…

Then, she was “young”, “beautiful” and “talented”…

20yrs later…

She is STILL, “young”, “beautiful” and “talented”…

As far as I can see, nothing much changed, really…

Just, less “singing”, more “dancing”…

Quand tu veux t'arranger un peu mais que tu as des enfants et que tu n'as pas dormi depuis 5 ans” roughly translates as “when you want to settle down a bit but you have children and you haven't slept in 5 years”…

Anyone that is a “parent”, or, has been in any of the “services” will appreciate this one…

I developed a “condition” known as “tight skin”, wherein, if you sit down, your eyes automatically close, and you immediately go into a “power nap” state…

The “tiniest little lady” guest starring in her own, online, “parents only” tv show…

These are are really handy, the one I use you can access from anywhere, as long as you have your “phone” and/or online connectivity…

<Peekaboo, I see you >

<little wave >

Little miss Maggy practicing for the “paparazzi”…

“No pictures please, or I will set my Giraffe on you”…

<Just so sweet >

Maggy “doing her stuff”, with Jon Snow “on guard”…

As “early learning” toys go, this one looks to be pretty cool. Lots of different “colours”, “textures”, and interesting “doodads”. Plenty of stuff to get the “little ones” “neurons” firing…

What else??

Keep any eye on Jo’s IG feed, for he posts some really excellent stuff, you just have to “grab” it quickly, before its “gone”, and please checkout Johann’s IG page, for he is another of his “clan”, that is blessed with a “good eye for a wonderful shot”. A lot of really cool stuff on his page…

As always, y’all take care, be safe, and just, be “excellent” to each other, ‘k…
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