Thread: Jaka to melodia
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Old 03-21-2020, 10:11 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
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RedRafe is on a distinguished road

FirstSeb, as always, thank you for the video…

Greatly appreciated…

Well, I think Alizée looked great, as always, (NO, I am not at all “biased”), and she sounded just “fine”…

<RedRafe, was that even in “English”??>

However, I’m going to add a “caveat” to this, that might get me “crucified”, or something similarly “nasty”, by the “Faithful”, but this is not the best “song” for Alizée to have “performed”. It really does not “showcase” the “versatility” in her voice and her “tonal range”, at all…

But maybe that’s just “me”…

Now, I’m going to say I have no problems, whatsoever, with the selection of “backing dancers” at all, in this “situation”. They were “cute”, “discrete”, and merely served to “enhance” and “accentuate” Alizée’s onstage prescence, they just merely provided an exquisite “setting” for the “petite perfection” that is Alizée…

They could have put that “red-headed” dancer in the “forefront” though, she was “cute”…

Would just have “accentuated” Alizée’s “dark-eyed petiteness”, all the more…

<Yeps. “Guilty”, I do have a “thing” for tall, longlegged “redheads”>

<Always have had, for some inexplicable reason>

So, it was a good performance, I reckon…

Her “voice”, has “matured”…

She has “matured”…

We, have “matured”…


She/we, “are not twenty” anymore…

We need to “remember” that, “recognize” that, and “adjust”, “appropriately”…
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