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Old 05-04-2020, 07:41 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
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RedRafe is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
I couldn't find a thread about little things regarding Alizée, so I made this.

I don't know if everyone here follows Skeleton's Instagram profile. Anyway, you should know this photo he shared:

Bilitis Poirier also commented the post (if you don't know, she was Alizée's make-up artist) and her reply is fun.

Using Google translator:

B: I still remember perfectly that moment that I filmed.

S: I suspected you were no stranger to the case. You don't have the video of her awekening by chance?.

B: When Alizée sleeps, nothing can wake her up.

Ah, but don’t you know, according to the “movies” there is only one way to awaken the “sleeping beauty”…

And that is…

With but the merest of “kisses”…

Now, im my case, I can only imagine that she would not be exactly too happy about this, and I would probably have to try and dodge a “Right hook”, followed by an attempted “Roundhouse” to the head, when “her gorgeousness” woke up, and figured out that it was not her “Gregness” that was applying the aforementioned “merest of kisses”…

And after the bruises faded, and my broken bones “knitted”…

I might even think it was worth it…



Ooops, got a "nudge" for using incorrect lore...

The "kiss" HAD to be bestowed upon the "sleeping beauty", by a "Prince". Not just any "old geezer" wandering past...

Got that "covered", several "Viking" royals in my lineage. Who knows, maybe this "Frog" could be a "Prince"...

<She'd still "kick my ass >

Last edited by RedRafe; 05-05-2020 at 10:01 PM..
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