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Old 05-04-2020, 09:59 PM
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Tradewind Tradewind is offline
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Tradewind is on a distinguished road
Default How I first discovered Alizee

I'm a big fan of espionage novels. About ten years ago, I was reading one. The main character, who had spent some time in France, expressed his appreciation for the music of France Gall. Curious, I did a YouTube search for France Gall, which introduced me to some of her songs from the 1960s and 1970s. While one of her songs was playing, I noticed some other French pop singers were highlighted on the right side of the screen. One of them was an attractive young lady whose name and face were totally unfamiliar to me.

Of course, that was Alizee. After playing a couple of her videos, I was hooked. I had never seen anyone quite like her.

A year after that, I stumbled upon the Forum, and began to learn more about Alizee and her background. By now, I have my own opinions of Alizee and her abilities. Like Johnny Carson, it is clear she is largely an introvert, but comes to life on stage. Very little of her music in the early years was truly live. But I agree with the observation that you can sing well, or you can dance well, but you can't do both at the same time.

Regardless of what the future holds for Alizee, I will always remember her as an 18-year-old whose beauty and talent made her absolutely captivating.
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