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Old 05-09-2020, 08:14 AM
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Ben.Daly Ben.Daly is offline
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I doubt the legality of this. The web site owner was not the photographer and does not own the rights to the photos. Alizee should receive a royalty for every sale but she does not. If the pictures of her are at a pubic event, then the photos are public domain, but any private photo shoots, the rights to the photos belong to the photographer and/or Alizee.
Yeah it's sketchy, but unless someone here has the legal knowledge/qualification to crack down on it, or they're willing to pay for someone else to do so, there's not much we can do about it. The only way to fix the situation right now is to buy the photos and share them online so that the site owner can't put them behind a paywall as they'd all be available anyway, bit of a paradox.
Even if the site owner was found to be doing this illegally, they might just take down the site altogether and then we'd have no way of getting the photos at all, unless the owner had a change of heart or was forced to make the photos available but I doubt that.
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