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Old 07-04-2020, 11:42 PM
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Ben.Daly Ben.Daly is offline
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Ben.Daly is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
It's probably a costly venture to have two albums cut in vinyl. They've probably lost a good amount of money from all the dance classes that were cancelled, so why take a risky venture like this? Mostly those songs came out 18 to 20 years ago. What would make them think the fans were there in numbers enough to make this worthwhile?

But then you look to this statement, "Thanks to all the fans who found I don't know how many archives".

...So maybe there was a silver lining in that dark cloud? Plus if she thinks there's enough fans to justify these vinyl albums, maybe that will encourage her to do more!
It will be interesting to see how well these vinyls sell. Of course she'll always have at least some following of fans who will purchase anything that come out, but beyond that they might struggle to reach fans who perhaps have been disconnected for a while, and they can't count on it being a hit with people who don't know about her stuff already.

Maybe that's who they're targeting, people who were fans a while back but have stopped for whatever reason. Vinyl copies of her two most well-known albums might provoke that nostalgia element for some.

There might not be a massive amount of copies made, they could make that 'rare' factor a selling point. There's also the chance to use unreleased promotional material in the presentation of the vinyls which could help it sell. There probably is money to be made here but it can't be too much surely, as you said the production of these vinyls could prove to be expensive. But who knows, guess we'll have to find out later.

How well these Vinyls sell could have a big influence on what we could get from her in the future. If they do poorly I can't see her making vinyls of the other 4/5 albums, and it might demotivate her from doing more gigs or performances in the future such as the ones in Poland. Hopefully that's not the case and these vinyls do really well!

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
That doesn't mean her or a scout did happen to visit us but are there other sites that have these types of conversations, certainly not on FB or IG.
Even my e-mail just shows a steady stream of fans searching for her videos and I'm certainly only one of many with an Alizee channel.
This might be the only forum in terms of active discussion, but the presence on Instagram I know is still quite large and active. You look at the number of fan accounts, there's certainly a market there. But I agree there's a good chance that there's someone close to Alizee who checks in on here every now and then.

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
Another thought just came to mind. There were probably thousands of pictures they could have chosen to release with the news of these two vinyl albums. Is it just a coincidence they chose one with Mylene Farmer in it?
Probably shouldn't look into it too much or make any crazy theories about it for our own sanity although....... Who knows
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