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Old 07-10-2020, 08:41 PM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I've been offline for a week on vacation and I have a lot of catching up to do!

While it would be great to see the vinyl versions of the albums, how will they be marketed? Record shops have pretty much gone the way of video rental stores and are pretty much obsolete. Maybe online sales? While I would be happy to add both albums to my collection if Alizee gets some proceeds, most likely Mylene would get the lion's share of the sales.

I am not very optimistic in seeing a new album, but we are living in unprecedented times. The dance studio is still closed and before you know it fall will be here. Regular flu season will start up and covid-19 doesn't look like it will go away anytime soon, so there is the potential, barring a miracle vaccine, that the studio could be closed long term. All of a sudden the idea of Alizee working on an album with Mylene might not be be too outlandish.
WB CleverCowboy. I've had some similar thoughts on these vinyls but have been too busy to post them. Maybe later tonight?


I wanted to reply to fhis news from day 1 but have just been too busy and a little afraid that my views might not be well received, but now CleverCowboy has posted and it looks like he has concerns so I'll offer some views now.

I have to admit first though at this point we may be putting the cart before the horse because I have a feeling there might be a lot more below the surface that we don't know yet, things that we will find out as time goes on, but with what little we have to go on so far, I want to express my concerns now, even if they turn out to be dead wrong so in the off chance I'm right, they could be heard in time to make a difference instead of waiting until the horses are out of the barn, not that anyone would be paying attention to my opinion.

I don't see vinyl versions of the first two album selling well enough to make more money than it would cost to produce them. It's said vinyl has made somewhat of a comeback and some feel you get a better sound with a vinyl record, but when the vinyl for Limelight came out, I had to search high and low to find a record player to borrow to play it. Still I don't own one today.

As CleverCowboy mentioned, he'd buy it as a loyal follower and collector of Alizee stuff and so would I but I think most of the fans who would be interested in getting something from Alizee live outside France and are not going to pay for something they can't play that will have the added cost of shipping.

I imagine there will probably be some images included with the vinyl and I have to wonder who will be choosing them? I have to confess if Alizee is calling the shots here, I have zero confidence in it's success. After 4 failed albums, any creating, directing, promoting needs to be put in someone else's hands.

Look at the cover for the three vinyls below. If you told a hundred young men who had never heard of Alizee before that they could have one of the three records to choose from, what do you think the numbers would be based on just the image? Look at the cover of her Psych cd where she's eating a piece of cake? She doesn't know how to market herself. If this is all about producing 2 vinyl records of her first 2 albums and she's calling the shots, she should end that project right now.

Again I think there is much more to this than we know and it could very well involve MF, but if it doesn't, I'm not optimistic for success.

One thing I think she could've made and still can make a nice amount of money off of is if she had a website where fans could go and order a picture of her and she'd autograph it to them. They'd have a choice of about 12 different pictures from different eras. Maybe the photographer and MF own the rights to many of those pictures but let's say for 20 euros a picture, she'd still make more in a a day of autographing photos than she would in a week at the dance studio. In fact, she could do it while she's at the dance studio.

So like I said, I wanted to get some thoughts out there. Hopefully we'll get some more info soon on what's really going on.

As much as I'm tempted to say nothing, believing she is headed for failure but at least she'll be continuing her career, I feel that would be a selfish move. I'd rather tell her the truth and see her call it quits and not be hurt again.

vinyl cover.jpg

Last edited by Scruffydog777; 07-10-2020 at 08:46 PM.. Reason: Automerged Doubleposts
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