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Old 07-17-2020, 11:55 PM
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Bamagirl Bamagirl is offline
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Bamagirl is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
One I was back in high school going to a homecoming dance with my high school girlfriend. It was in a venue at a local college where another dance was held. My best friend was with me with his then girlfriend. The band started playing and they look at lot like the old 70's band named Boston, with the 70's style long hair and afros. They belted out this rock and roll song that I was really into. For the longest time I was able to hum it, but didn't remember the lyrics. Oh, if only I could write music on paper!
If you can still remember the tune, maybe try humming it into the smart phone app called “SoundHound.” It can recognize most music, and often tunefully hummed or sung-in-person songs.
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