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Old 07-23-2020, 07:33 AM
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Ben.Daly Ben.Daly is offline
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Bad news, well, not really, but it renders some of what I've said previously as obsolete. I only just realised that the videos on the Elle Alizee channel are being uploaded in chronological order
So if the admin of the account continues with that pattern we won't see that photo shoot with the bubbles uploaded on the channel The channel's up to July 2003 so far and apparently will only go to 2004 so most videos the admin has at their disposal have already been uploaded. We should still see a few more videos of concert performances, maybe a couple of interviews and TV gigs but otherwise not much.
Perhaps something completely new will surprise us, who knows. It's just a shame that not many of her photo-shoots have behind the scenes videos to accompany them.

Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I try to get whatever I can off YT that is Alizee related. I have seen too many videos just disappear, and that includes other favorites beyond Alizee.

It's getting increasingly difficult to scrape the videos. Techniques that used to work don't work now, and I think that is by design. I do have a Python script that still works, but sometimes is unreliable. It did manage to pull all 150 videos from Elle, Alizée and I uploaded them to my google drive.

I'm sharing them here, but please grab them sooner than later if you are interested. I might have to reclaim the drive space in the future.
You're doing a great service Cowboy It's a shame that the Alizee Hub is no longer operating making it harder for everyone to share videos, so thank you for sharing this google drive

About the drive, is there a way I can quickly download all the videos into my own folder? If so, how much space are the 150 videos taking up?
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