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Old 07-30-2020, 07:34 AM
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Ben.Daly Ben.Daly is offline
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Ben.Daly is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

IG posts!?

Y’know, there might just be a few…

<And in no particular “order”, really >

‘k, so where was I?


Note à moi même: Ne plus se separer de mes affaires, la mode reinvent toujours” roughly translates as “Note to myself: Never separate from my business, fashion is always reinventing”.

<Beautiful shot, of a still young, very beautiful “little lady”>

See what I mean?

Oh dear, it may be “nothing”, but, “if a picture paints a thousand words”, then that little “gif” in the top right corner of the pic, speaks absolute “volumes”…

Not sure of the “context” and “source” of this post, so, I’m just going to “wait and see”, for this, hopefully, could just be a passing nostalgic moment, and really not be indicative of anything else…

From a personal, slightly “Buddhist slanted” viewpoint, “nostalgia”, and “the past”, are sometimes viewed as being almost “harmful”, and, not really a thing to “dwell” on, for several reasons. The past is “gone”, “done”, and really CANNOT be changed. “That”, really, “is that”, and if you keep “living there”, you are “not living in the now”, and that “indicates”, and “creates”, all sort of “problems”, in the “now”. “Fix” them, “live the best way that you can”, “love”, “evolve”, or don’t, as your choice may be, and “go on” to “whatever awaits you”, or “whatever you choose”…

Just don’t be “caught”, “back there”, for there really is “no future” in it, so to speak…


<Mentally gives Alizée a huge “hug”, which she probably would not appreciate, but, is “well meant”>
I wonder exactly what Alizée is saying here. I assume she means that things are always dropping in and out of fashion and she shouldn't be ashamed of that, though that's just my interpretation

Nostalgia is an odd one, it feels like an emotion that's becoming more and more, I guess you could say, capitalised on. So many TV shows, movies, merchandise, all being based on already existing properties people have enjoyed since when they were younger.
I can't imagine it was quite like this in previous decades. Maybe it's not because entertainment as a whole is getting worse, but rather there's just so much of it that it can feel saturated or overwhelming.
I guess people yearn for "simpler" times. With how fast trends come and go, you see people looking back at things from more and more recently, even just a few years ago. Though I'm often guilty of this myself to be fair

What I find weird is this strange coincidence that so many things I take interest in were either most relevant, or in there so called 'glory days' during the early 2000s. It's something I picked up on a while ago, and that's before I even discovered Alizée. But that's around when I was born, not when I necessarily grew up, it's strange. Maybe if I had been born 10-12 years earlier and had the same interests as now it would've been prime, following Alizée from her early days, watching Arsenal win league titles, and other things as well I haven't mentioned.
Eh, enough of that weird ramble, thanks for bringing up the subject Redrafe

Originally Posted by RedRafe View Post

Y’all, just be safe, ‘k…

Until the next time…
Good post as always! I understand it would've been hard to capture everything posted while you're out on your adventures. Worst case scenario there are third-party services that let you look at a users full Story history, but not to worry.
Thanks for the coverage
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