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Old 07-30-2020, 08:14 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
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Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
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RedRafe is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Aragorn97 View Post
Google says that "affaires" also means "stuff".
She may be saying that she got rid of that outfit (or that bag) a while ago but now it is in fashion again, so she's frustrated.
That's the only meaning I can think of. :/
Now, taken in that particular “context”, this does make a lot of sense. I far prefer it, to some of the “scenarios” that I was managing to “come up with”…

<The translation of “affaires” to “business”, was what was giving me “pause for thought” >

Thanks, yet again, for that one, Aragorn…

Now, I will admit that what I personally know about “style”, and “fashion”, well, I could probably write all of it on the back of a “torn Postage Stamp”, but, even my “fashion blind” Scottish self can tell that she most definitely suits that "outfit", very much…

<I may be “fashion blind”, but, I most definitely have an “eye for beauty”, and, she is most definitely, that >

Could she still “pull it off”, as of “right now”?

<Does a bit of “creative visualization” >

You betcha! Absolutely! Although I would hate to have to “mess” with her hair, for to me, she really suits it “long”. Hmm, all sorts of wonderful permutations would be possible. “Humanity” would most certainly not be worthy, of such "wonders"…

“Job”, would most defenitely be, “a good ‘un”…



IG posts, of which there are most certainly, a few…

Great shot of “the Greg”, framed in some pretty awesome scenery…

Good time”.

The pic says it all…

Your “main squeeze”, “friends”, one of your “favourite hobbies”, “wonderful weather”, and “breathtaking scenery”. Can “things”, truly, get any better than that?

Getting the feeling from this shot that maybe, just maybe, everybody did, have a good time… Long may this continue…

It’s “them”, again…

And they’re getting everywhere…

Bientôt elle rentre dans le maison” roughly translates as “Soon she comes back to the house”.

Cest @badouchatelain qui va etre content” roughly translates as “It's @badouchatelain who will be happy”.


There are times that I really regret not having any real “command” of the French language, and this in one of them…

Get the feeling that “herself” and Annily, are "missing" each other, mayhap, for I get the impression that the “little”, “little” lady, was visiting her “rellies” in Paris…

No people…

Nobody there, whatsoever…

How surreal is that…



Not a good sign, at all…

Just… please, don’t show these pics to anyone in my “neck of the woods”, for they will probably start babbling on something like, “it’s the “End Times””, and, it’s “the Rapture”, and just generally “getting their knickers in a knot”, if you know what I mean…

Puts me in mind of an old joke…

“Christians: when I die, I’m going to Heaven”.
“Aethiests: when I die, I’m going Nowhere”.
“Buddhists: when I die, : “Level complete”, “Next Level”, “spawning”, in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”.

<Sorry, couldn’t resist that one >


Annily, wishing you a safe journey home, “little”, “little” lady…


Now, once upon a time, not that long ago, really, I used to make “jewelry”, and little fancy “trinkets” and “stuff”, for “friends” and “family”, so I know a little bit about the “craft”, and I was quite impressed by this little “item” that Alizée was displaying…

‘s very nice work, nicely done…

What else?

OK, so there is a lot of Maggy stuff, so I might have to do a little “special” for just her, ‘cos, she is just so cute…

In the meantime, y’all be safe, take care, and just, generally, look out for each other. Yeah!


Masks, keep wearing ‘em, if you ever have to go out…
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