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Old 07-31-2020, 06:38 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
Posts: 480
RedRafe is on a distinguished road

IG posts!?

Mhhmm, there are a few…

But, there are a lot, A LOT, of really cute Maggy posts, so, methinks I’m going to have a little “Maggy Special Edition”, dedicated to Alizée’s “little cuteness”…

Hey, we should be “on our knees” thanking Alizée for this, don’t y’ know, for, we get to appreciate all of the “good bits”, without having to help with any of the “muss”, “fuss”, or, “potty training”…

This sounds like a “win”, to me…

So, without further ado, “Cuteness, engage”…

That’s it, Goku’s “had it”. My “money” is definitely on Maggy. Not even going “Super Saiyan” is going to help him, this time. I think it’s time to go lookin’ for another Dragonball, methinks…

Does look like "blonde highlights" to me, right enough…

Sweet pic from Jo…

<Hoping that’s not a “huh, wot, did she just…?” look >

Pandas, everywhere!

Bambi, c’mere please…

So “intent”, and “engrossed” in that book. A wonderful sign…

Again, so “intent”, again, a wonderful sign…

Ah sooo, that explains Alizée’s nail colour choice! A “cunning plan” maybe!?

Cool. Plenty of “protection”, which I’m liking very much. They, are going to need it, pretty soon…


Imagine this, “joyous entertainment”, spread throughout the household!


<Been "there", "seen it", and had to "tidy up" later, after it >

Fun, yeah!?

<I'm, i'm not laughing, really, I'm not. >

<Honestly! >

And “how could this be”, I hear you ask!?

Well, it looks to me like she is going to be “toddling” around very soon, based on these pics…

See what I mean…

Then, “let the Games, begin”…

Almost, alllmoosttt, makes me kind of regret not having any of my own, but, brought I’ve up enough of them to know intimately, "what it is like", and, "is all about"…

<Note the use of “almost”. >

Alizée, Greg, I salute you. She is so “sweet”, absolutely “cute as a button”, and, “sharp as a tack”, all of which are wonderful, and bode well for the future…

Just, had to include these two also…

Tellement beaux” roughly translates as “So beautiful”.

Aren’t they just, really. The “sketch”, and the “subjects”, also…

Bien reçu. Encore plus beau en vrais.” Roughly translates as “ Well received. Even more beautiful in real life.

So I have been told, often.

I can only, imagine…

And, to “cap it all off”, a shot of their two favourite “little”, “little ladies”, together…

That’s, really, sort of “says it all doesn’t it”…

Alizée, Greg, thank you, guys, for sharing these...


Oh dear… Just so sweet…


Y’all be safe, take care…

And, for all the “little ones”, “everywhere”, as above, keep wearing your “masks”, when you are “out, and about”. For “them”. Yeah!?

Last edited by RedRafe; 07-31-2020 at 09:09 PM..
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