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Old 08-15-2020, 12:42 AM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
Posts: 480
RedRafe is on a distinguished road


IG posts!?


About last night

<Omigosh >

<Shhh, she’s sleepin’ >

<“Barrage of little “stealth cutesy waves” at tiny little "Miss Cuteness” >

So cute…

#QuandMaggydortcommeAnnily” roughly translates as “#When Maggie sleeps like Annily.

Now, that little “snippet” of “info”, in itself, lets you know that Alizée, is most definitely, a “mother”, for, they tend to “hoard” little bits of “intelligence”, like the former, for use at the most “strategically important moments”, in life…

“Moments”, such as when you bring home a “special boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever”, to meet your family for the “first time”…


I always hated that moment, but, if they were going to be a “keeper”, they were going to have to meet my very own, “peculiarly Scottish” version of “The Addams Family”, and “run the gauntlet, so to speak...

This usually consisted of a prolonged, (usually about 3 hours long), “interview/public humiliation”, (with “tea” and “very nice cake”), in which all my “baby snaps”, “mini me pics”, “teenie snaps”, and basically anything that I had ever done , that was in “picture form”, (especially if it was on the “cute”, or really darn “embarrassing” side), would be "hauled" out of a very decorative "special box", kept specially to “house such horrors”, and “paraded” for any “prospective, prolonged love interest” to see, and, if that didn’t make them run off, screaming, then, there would be “questions”...

Questions, such as, “Lassie, what on earth are you doin’ hanging about with this loser, I mean, he said you were very pretty, but you are absolutely beautiful. Why him!?”

It would get waaay worse, from there on, in…

Funnily enough, nobody ever “ran away screaming”, out of the 5 that decided, I was “taking them home”, (which was always their decision), they ALL adored my family, and ALL stuck around, for a loong time…

Could never figure out why, though, for all of them were far more "beautiful", more "wonderful", than I ever "deserved"…

Maybe they saw something, that I didn’t, or simply couldn’t, see…

Who knows…


I wonder if Annily’s Marco got, “the treatment”, also? Wonder what the Corsican version of that, is?

Hmm, probably, don’t want to know!


Johann posted a selection of really cool shots, that I really couldn’t resist…

Adding all of the above to my list of “places I’d like to see, but probably will never”…

But, you get to “dream”…


Please go check out Johann’s IG page, for , he has got a lot of really cool stuff on it, and, go “follow” Jo’s IG page, for he continually posts a lot of truly superb stuff on it, he just does not keep it posted for very long, and, the only reason that I try not to post any of his stuff here is it is a “private” page, and I really do not want to offend him...

I would “really rather cut my own fingers off”, than do that, if you know what I mean, for he seems to be a really great guy…

Except, when anyone “looks” at his Alizée, and then, he usually looks like he would kind of “rip your face off”, if you know what I mean. Which I truly understand, for if I was her father, and anyone looked at my Alizée, I’d be the very same. Trust me on that one…

Y’all take care, be safe, drink plenty of fluids, wear that darn mask, aannnddd, if you're thinking of inviting that "special someone", home, to meet your "parents", hide all of your “treasured” baby pics, first…

Trust me, it’d be a LOT less embarrassing…
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