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Old 09-01-2020, 09:47 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
Join Date: Jan 2019
Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
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RedRafe is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Alex Rien View Post
She is a part of my family. They are all my family.
Funnily enough, I know what you mean…

Alizée, et al, do feel like… “family”, which is strange, considering, and I can’t for the life of me reason it out, or explain it, which is very unlike me…

“Karma”, or “something”…

So I just accept it, and go on…

Originally Posted by Kajue View Post
I don't think you need to get yourself worked up over it. Just listen to whoever you want to, you can admire both and have a special place in your heart for Alizée too, so if it's confusing, as we say in Chicago, "forget about it!"
This is a hard one…

I listen to a very “wide”, very “diverse range” of music, and at the end of the day I cannot say that I actually have an “overall favourite”, artist…

What I actually listen to depends largely on my “mood”, at the time, or, “circumstance”, with regard to what I’m doing…

Every artist has their own particular “niche”, their own particular “place”, and I daresay “time”, in my musical “tastes”, so effectively, I’ve got a lot of “favoured” artists, both “male” and “female”, that I listen to, and yeps, I probably do, “admire”, some of the more “cuter” female artistes…

But that’s just it. “Admire”, anddd, “nothing”…

Momentary passing... fantasy, if even that...

You get to admire as many “cuties” as you want, no “guilt”, no “pain”, no “punishment”…

End of story…

Now, as for Alizée, and my “admiring” her, well, she does have a “very special place in my heart”, and always will have, but, well, none of my “partners” have never, ever really found that at all, “threatening”…

It was put to me this way…

“I’m the one that you love, I’m the one in your arms, I’m the one in your bed, and I’m the one that spends all of your money.”

Which is very true, for Alizée really does not get to do any of that, (trust me on this one, I’d notice if she did ), you see, she has a perfectly wonderful husband at home to take care of all of that kind of stuff…

<”Luckiest guy in the world”, indeed >

Which, by the look of, from what I can see, he does wonderfully…

So, there are no “hassles” or “confusion” there…

I get to “watch” and “listen” to “my” Alizée, but I “belonged”, “heart” and “soul” to them…

<Except for a couple of little, “special” parts>

It worked out “fine”. Always has done…

So don’t feel at all guilty. Enjoy your music, admire as many “cute” artistes as you want, but remember one thing, and this one is VERY important…

As an ancient philosopher once said: “a bird in the hand, is worth two in the bush”, or, in this case, the meaning could be, don’t neglect “reality”, for the “one in your head”, will never really be “in your arms”, or, “in your bed”, and she definitely won’t be “spending all of your money”…

This “hokey” old track, which I still love, from back in ’76, put it very… succinctly…

Sailor - Girls Girls Girls (1976)

“Get out and meet those pretty girls”…

As for the “spend all of your money”, bit, well, that one always makes my “cheap little Scottish” self “sweat”, ever so slightly, and not in a “good” way…

Just, don’t… “overthink” things…

Last edited by RedRafe; 09-02-2020 at 12:37 AM..
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