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Old 10-13-2020, 07:52 AM
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Default Alizée's beauty story (Interview 2020)

For the Alizée collaboration with KVD vegan Beauty and Sephora, this video, which I'm sure many of you would have seen by now, was produced.

Decided that I would do a quick translation of what's said in the video. Though this initial English version has been derived from Google Translate as I do not speak French.

However, I have got the original text in French written down as well. So if someone more familiar with the language is happy to provide some insight into making the translation more accurate that service would be greatly appreciated. There definitely seem to be a few not perfectly translated sentences that could use patching up.

So here are the transcripts, with each new line being a separate body of text in the video's subtitles.

Original French Text

Mon premier souvenir beauté étant enfant,
ç'est quand je faisais des galas de danse.
J'attendais avec impatience ce spectacle pour pouvoir me maquiller,
mettre du rouge à lèvre du fard et des paillettes,
je pense que j'avais 5, 6 ans.

Quand j'ai commencé a chanter,
j'ai commencé à faire des photos, des clips,
et j'ai pris gout a m'amuser avec les couleurs
selon les emissions de tele, selon les photos
et les maquilleuses avec qui aussi j'etais

C'est complique d'avoir confiance en soi dans ce monde.
Ce qui me fait me sentir belle ç'est mon mari.
Rien que de me voir belle dans ses yeux, je me vois...
un petit peu belle.

La collaboration avec KVD Vegan Beauty pour moi,
c'est d'abord un clin d'oeil parce que cette annee,
c'est les 20 ans de ma chanson 'moi Lolita',
et cette palette 'Lolita pour la vie',
c'est la toute premiere chose qui m'a seduite,
parce que ç'était un petit clin d'oeil,
et aussi parce que c'est des produits Vegan,
je suis à fond pour la défense des animaux
donc c'est un projet qui m'a plu dans tous les sens du terme.

English translation (Google Translate)

My first beauty memory as a child,
that's when I was doing dance galas.
I was looking forward to this show to be able to do my makeup,
put on lipstick, makeup and glitter,
I think I was 5, 6 years old.

When I started to sing,
I started making photos, clips,
and I took a liking to have fun with colours
according to TV broadcasts, according to photos
and the makeup artists with whom I was also.

It's hard to have self-confidence in this world.
What makes me feel beautiful is my husband.
Just seeing me beautiful in his eyes, I see myself ...
a little bit beautiful.

The collaboration with KVD Vegan Beauty for me,
it is first of all a wink because this year,
it's the 20th anniversary of my song 'moi Lolita',
and this 'Lolita for life' palette,
it's the very first thing that seduced me,
because it was a little wink,
and also because they are Vegan products,
I am fully in the defence of animals
so it's a project that I liked in every sense of the word.


If we can get the translation up to scratch I can put together another copy of the same video but with English subtitle cards. There are probably a few Grammatical mistakes in the translation I could have a go at fixing myself, but I wouldn't have full assurance it's the authentic translation, so any help from any French speaking users here is most welcomed!
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