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Old 11-12-2020, 12:01 AM
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Originally Posted by CleverCowboy View Post
I'm going to go out on a limb here. I think a big miss was not making a video for Décollage. Here was a stunning Alizee at 23/24 years of age. She needed to connect to the 20-something audience, and hip-hop was on the rise in that demographic. It could have bridged the teen Alizee with the adult Alizee, drawing back the fans in her age group that might have moved on when she split with Mylene.

Fifty-Sixty was a fun song and the video was playful, so it would be a good candidate for the first song on the album. Décollage second, then Lilly Town third. Par les paupières is my favorite Alizee song of any album. It is a world class song and the first time I listened to it, it really stood out.
That's interesting. It's clear how much a Music Video can turn one of Alizée's songs from good to really great, not to say Decollage would become as revered as her more famous songs if it had a music video, but it could no doubt at least provide a new way of perceiving the track.
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