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Old 11-12-2020, 02:01 AM
Kajue Kajue is offline
MMA Teen who was thunderstruck by Alizée
Join Date: Apr 2020
Location: Chicago
Age: 21
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Kajue is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
L'E-mail A Des Alles is a great song. It's one of her many songs I listen to all the time.

Alcaline is another great song imo that is underrated or maybe under achieving is a better word for it. I think this would have made for a great video. Of course it's about her apparently unhappy in the world she lives in, then puts her headphones on and gets lost in the music. In a video I could see her working in some dark, dingy office. She's got her hair tied up in a bun, thick glasses and a frumpy coat, then she puts her headphones on, turns up the music, the hair comes down, glasses off. The coat comes off to reveal a beautiful outfit underneath. She closes her eyes and get's carried a away to a world of paradise created by the music.

It's easy to picture how this could have been and how perfect she would have been for the role. A great opportunity lost.

L'e-mail a des ailes has actually grown to become one of my favorite songs from her during the past couple months, it very soft and solemn feel to it.
I actually prefer her Concert version instead of the studio.

Lui ou Toi gives off similar but heavier vibes, and I think it's relatively underrated.
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