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Old 04-03-2021, 08:03 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I've "read" that Alizée fans were Mylene Farmer fans first and once there was a cough, cough, dispute, they went back to MF. There used to be a MF website called Mylene Famer International I believe and they had an Alizee section and what people said about Alizee wasn't very complimentary. It's probably in our archives.

Mylene is huge in France. You'd think she'd be huge in French speaking Canada too. Is she? Mylene said when she moved to France, she had to learn a different dialect because of the way people looked upon the way she spoke it. Is there resentment or competition between the two countries? I have no idea but it would be interesting to look into.

If French speaking Canadiens don't like the fact that MF moved to France, they probably wouldn't like Alizee.

I'm a fan of Celine. What an incredible song "My heart will go on" is and the way she belts it out is spectacular. I also liked the way she stood by her husband, but I saw her one year when she was in Les Enfoires and I thought she was full of herself if you know what that term means?
Honestly, I have no idea how Mylène really feels about Canada. Some of her Songs must have charted there over the years but the way I see it, she never made a tangible effort to establish herself in any major way over there. Mylène and Celine are the worlds most popular French Female Singers still around, as far as I can tell. Internationally speaking however, Mylène has had little impact on countries outside of France, Belgium, Switzerland and various Eastern European countries, but France is at the very least one of the worlds five biggest music markets next to Germany, Japan and the US & UK obviously. She's well established there. Maybe Celine "territory" isn't really worth the effort to her. Who knows...

"My Heart Will Go On" really is great. Takes me back to when I was like 8 and couldn't stop talking about Titanic.

I don't know much else about her Music or her Reputation however, but yeah, I know what that term means. I'm not sure why she would come across like that or if she really is 'full of herself'. You never know with these big stars...

Last edited by BroKenSkullDG; 04-03-2021 at 10:00 AM..
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