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Old 04-24-2021, 11:54 AM
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CleverCowboy CleverCowboy is offline
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Originally Posted by AlizéeSuperFanFIN View Post
The chat box apparently doesn’t even have history, as in the case of threads.

So I don’t think the Chat box should be a big deal.
Actually, the chat box does have history. There is a down arrow to the right of the word "ChatBox". If you click on it, a dropdown menu appears and there is an option to view the archives. This is actually quite handy if you need to make changes to what you typed in chat, because it gives you the option to edit. I have used it a number of times.

The chat box was heavily used around three years ago to the point where members were posting links and comments there instead of threads. We were trying to encourage members to utilize the threads more and over time there was less activity on the chat.

The one main advantage of the chat box is to be able to broadcast a message to all registered users so that it would be seen only by them. It is not visible to non-members and web crawlers don't pick up the content, so there are no worries the conversations would end up forever in cyberspace.
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