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Old 06-03-2021, 11:11 AM
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Elise Elise is offline
Join Date: May 2021
Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 98
Elise is on a distinguished road

I have some intermediate level of French and one day I was practising by reading a French discussion about someone forced to apologise for breaking rules (details not important). One commenter mused that in France people would not accept responsibility in the same way, it reminded him of the line 'C'est pas ma faute à moi !' with a link to the Moi... Lolita video. I watched that and was instantly hooked by her beauty, her voice, everything.

What stands out to me just thinking about this is that music does not play such a huge role in my life - normally I do not try to find so much about a new singer and discover everything about their personal life, much less would I be motivated to join a forum. For Alizée, since my discovery (only a couple of months ago) I've searched for every nugget of information related to her. Proof, if it were needed, that she is special.

So a strange way to discover Alizée probably but something I am infinitely happy about and that has brought me joy. I still have loads more Alizée songs to work through...
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