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Old 06-14-2021, 08:56 PM
RedRafe RedRafe is offline
Neutral Good
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Location: End of The Trail of Tears
Age: 60
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“How to deal with people who point out Alizée’s flaws”


This one is… simultaneously “very easy”, and, “very hard”…

You don’t “deal with” them…

If there is any “controversy”, or, “disagreement”, you simply… “Disengage”… You “smile”, you “excuse yourself”, and simply, walk away…

Don’t get “defensive”, and for goodness sake, don’t get “angry”, for really, there is no point. The only person that is going to get “upset” is probably only… “Yourself”….

“Why, how”, you may ask…

Well, they really don’t “get it”, can’t “get it”, never will “get it”, and, no matter how hard you try to explain it, (which is a HUGE mistake, by the way), they just will not understand… at all… becaaaussee, they haven’t been “bitten”, or, “infected”, by the “Lili Bug”, the symptoms of which all of the “enlightened”, know all too well...

(Sometimes, however, I think it might just be some “transient” type of … “insanity”, or “something” of that “ilk”, maybe, for it seems that “sanity”, “rationality”, and “critical thinking” seem to “get thrown out of the window”, so to speak, whenever “she” is involved… )

Most strange…

Now, as for her “perfection”, “flaws”, and, “that magic”…

“Perfection”, and/or beauty, indeed, is “in the eye of the beholder”. One persons “perfection”, can be another persons “merely average”, or even simply just… “meh”… We, “the enlightened 1%”, pretty much think that she’s “perfect”. Just, don’t get “bent out of shape” when the other 99% of humanity doesn’t agree, at all, in any “way”, “shape”, “form” or “fashion”…

As for “flaws”, well, she is “human”, (honestly, she is), she has them, accept this, and never ever “challenge” anyone who is not a “fan”, to prove otherwise, especially other female, non-fans. You may hear things that you truly may not want to “hear”, or “accept”, being honest, and, most of the time it is not just “petty jealousy”, for they don’t see anything to be jealous about…

Personally, I don’t care, I just adore her, “flaws”, and all…

As for “that magic”, well, we “see”, what we want to “see”. She becomes “that”, which we most truly “want”, and most “need”, in our lives, and you will find, that not one person/fan, will “see” the same thing, the same person, as the next…

You will find that, “that magic”, is all in your “own head”, your “own mind”, and, is “uniquely” yours, only…

That “thing” that you most truly “want”, and “need”, that most likely bears no relationship to… “reality”…

<Another heartfelt sigh>

At the “end of the day”, my conclusion would be thus: live your life, enjoy your Alizée, do your own thing, and let other people do theirs, also…

Life is way too short, to get worked up over any… “trivialities”… really…
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