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Old 06-28-2021, 03:21 PM
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CleverCowboy CleverCowboy is offline
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I'm a little late to this party it looks like. But I love talking music so I'll put in my 2 cents.

Rock has dominated the global music scene for many decades and the roots can be traced back to the southern portion of the US almost 100 years ago. I believe it is because of the diversity of cultures in America that caused it to flourish as it has. There is the vanilla rock and roll that was made mainstream by Elvis Presley. But before then in the deep south where African influence was heavy, musical genres that were derived from rock such as gospel, blues and R&B were already widespread. In the Blue Ridge mountain region across middle America, you had country, folk and bluegrass dominating with people from different origins in the Old World.

The city of New Orleans is where Jazz started, which by the way is the type of music that Alizee said she most likes to dance to. It is a city of historical French influence. Add to the city the influx of freed slaves from the Civil War, the prevalence of brass marching bands post war and you have the recipe for a new type of music and Voila! It happened.

So I don't think this is a matter of just "US music is better than French music" or any other country, but US music is the product of the wide variety of talent that immigrated from all over, plus those that were born here. As it goes back out to the world, some genres might strike a chord of familiarity with other countries because of their influence on it. Case in point - Alizee likes to dance to Jazz the best. Jazz originated from New Orleans, a city heavily influenced by the French. Coincidental or something more to it?

Last edited by CleverCowboy; 06-28-2021 at 03:47 PM..
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