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Old 07-14-2021, 10:36 AM
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Originally Posted by Elise View Post
I thought it would be interesting to see if anyone likes Alizée’s tattoos, prefers her post-Mylène work or has any unpopular opinion about Alizée. So far no one has gone against the consensus (not saying this is a bad thing, just would be interesting if it happened).
Can't say I overtly disagree with anything said here so far, more so just differ on the degree to which I agree with some things.

The tattoo's for example, I do prefer her look when she didn't have them, though it's not something I feel too strongly about either. Very rarely if ever do they ruin a picture of her for me. Though as a more recent fan I was not following her work in the time she had less/no tattoos, so it's not something I had to become accustom to as it happened.

As for her post MF work, it's more of a mixed bag. One example... I honestly would personally rank UEDS above Gourmandises. Whilst the best songs on Gourmandises I think are better than those on UEDS, UEDS I find a better overall listen than Gourmandises especially when listening through the whole album at one time. Gourmandises and also MCE have so many great individual songs, but they mostly all follow the same structure, and when you listen one after the other it feels very repetitive as if each song is trying to be that number 1 chart topping single following the same formula. I guess that's intentional and did work to an extent, the songs are good in isolation, but if we're ranking albums, UEDS is more enjoyable than Gourmandises (in my opinion).
But even then, I'd still probably have Gourmandises 3rd and MCE 1st, so it's not too far off the general consensus anyway.

Maybe in time as I learn more about her I'll develop some more unpopular opinions, if right now I had the same amount of knowledge on her career as Scruffy does (for example) that may be the case. But for now it's just slight disagreements which are mostly preference related.
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