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Old 08-21-2021, 01:39 AM
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Noppo555 Noppo555 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2021
Location: Caracas, Venezuela
Posts: 65
Noppo555 is on a distinguished road

I won't even bother watching youtubers trying to milk gullible people and the current fad; a complete waste of my time and yours, I guarantee.

"Most significantly, it is information about women that our fathers failed to give us." Try to guess who this dumb line of thinking alines up with.

I really have never ever, in my life (I swear to God), hear someone whine about their parents not 'giving' them a woman or 'women'; that's some backwards-ass line of thinking to me. Also, before you say anything about it being a 'redpill' (I hate that buzzword, it makes my brain irk) or anything alike; 'redpills' are not about 'women' or 'relationships', it's about non-commonly known or accepted "truths" (between quotation marks because the majority of people who use that word are stingly stupid and use it very-deliberately).