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Old 09-29-2021, 04:54 AM
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AlizéeSuperFanFIN AlizéeSuperFanFIN is offline
Crazy Alizée fan 💘
Join Date: Feb 2021
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Age: 40
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Talking ASFF's dreams [of Alizée, of course]!

Finally, finally, finally!!!

So for good reason, I can finally open this thread from my own Alizée dreams! Namely, even though I'm wondering how this is even possible, I already have basically four dreams of her, although usually I don't very often dream about what I think...

Well... I think when I think so much about her, then maybe that's the reason for this surprising number of dreams and "my sandman" is confused [and good so!!!!]...????

After the search, I can see to my delight that a surprising number here have also had dreams about her - or at least so many here have written and told about the subject at different times!

I have previously reported my first two possible dreams in a thread opened by Aragorn97!

I don't remember any of these dreams, so it's good that I wrote something about them and... And I really can’t even be quite sure of those dreams, so if i should swear they actually happened, for example in court, I have to refuse!

But then there are two more, fresher dreams! And maybe I wouldn’t go to court for the third one either, because there are a lot of interesting twists in the third dream, more of which soon... But that fourth dream is as fresh and “sure” dream as possible!

The most annoying thing is that I think and I’m pretty sure it was just my third dream where everything happened the most, but I don’t remember much about it anymore! So that's normal for me, but...

Yes annoying...

Because... When I had seen it, I woke up and immediately thought that now I would write everything down... But then the next time I only remembered the same dream sometime after two weeks and realized I hadn’t written anything! Because apparently I was so sleepy then that I forgot the whole thing so quickly...

In any case, that dream is - let's say at least - 95% certain and it was an interesting dream (unfortunately I remember a little). I was with family and / or other acquaintances, friends etc and we were waiting for something... We were waiting for Alizée's performance!

What’s exciting, I also remember that this AA forum was also involved in the dream, and I would have checked something here, etc. Because this is like the Alizée archive today! ...However, it is no longer quite as certain as Alizée’s contribution in my dream.

I remember reading that someone would have sometimes also dreamed of AA, but has anyone seen both at the same time in their dreams? Probably already quite rare at the same time?

This dream is probably due to at least three factors, my passion for En Concert and, of course, this AA, but possibly also for that recent Paris performance. [LOL - Well and of course the fourth and most important factor, Alizée herself!]

So although I don’t even know the exact time of my third dream when I finally remembered it a couple of weeks late, but probably the Paris performance was already known?!

Eventually... No matter how it was, namely my fourth dream is very fresh and I no longer failed! I was wise from previous adversities and was able to save its details! On the other hand, it is a pity that I remember this dream quite scattered, and therefore Alizée's contribution is quite short, at least according to my memory...

This dream happened recently, about a two week ago, on September 13, 2021 [Okay, I admit, it took a relatively long time to write this report], and it was long and confusing, yes, which eventually included walking on a pedestrian street that felt like a familiar place to me, but on the other hand it might even be the Riviera?

Well... Everything strange happened already during the trip, but then the street turned and the familiar big hypermarket / shopping center appeared, next to which was a smaller building. The building may not be in exactly the same place as it really is, but in other respects it is partly a very familiar thing from real life...

That building was full of ads and everything seemed to be related to Alizée and more specifically - surprise surprise - e.g. to her concerts!! So the whole building looked like a big bulletin board... Dominated by Alizée! After that, I looked at it more closely and then the memories end at it, and many previous different dreams end at that point.

At the same time... The dream ended with one big and real bill still unpaid, but in reality it had already been paid - in other words, I came to the conclusion that the dream described an earlier time and in fact the summer was still in full swing!


Oh how wonderful it is to wake up if you realize you have just dreamed of Alizee!

I am still also disappointed because I feel that I have already forgotten too much in those four dreams... And what else may I have forgotten about my dreams?!

So I also passionately continue to "hunt" for new dreams! ..

Alizée 💜
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