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Old 10-29-2021, 09:04 AM
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CleverCowboy CleverCowboy is offline
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CleverCowboy is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Elise View Post
I’m not sure how to take this...I hope it’s a compliment.
It's neither a compliment or an insult, just a neutral statement.

OK, let's say that some average people from the UK fly to NYC and rent a car with the intent on driving across the US to California, making frequent stops along the way. As they make their way across the Appalachian mountains, the Midwest, then deep south to the states along the Gulf of Mexico, then west across Texas and the desert southwest into LA, they will encounter countless regional accents and slang. They will be challenged by some, guaranteed. I'm sure the same holds true for any country of significant size.

The point is that in a conversation or watching a TV program, the one listening prefers to comprehend what is being said effortlessly. Some strong accents and regional slang might cause words to be missed or meanings to be misinterpreted. It takes more effort and attention to what is being said.

I hope this clarifies things.
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