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Old 04-12-2022, 05:44 PM
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AlizéeSuperFanFIN AlizéeSuperFanFIN is offline
Crazy Alizée fan 💘
Join Date: Feb 2021
Location: Suomi
Age: 40
Posts: 738
AlizéeSuperFanFIN is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Alexx89 View Post
Thanks for the welcome ! I had another account here but I forgot the password and I dont have that email adress and ...well...

I used to post a lot on the other forum though. I miss those days...

As I sayd it's nostalgia - but it works fine in depressing moments for me ! I have been throught some hard stuff in the last 14 years ...I did go away from all the Alizée madness because I couldn't cope for some reason. Right now during the same period as I discovered her - meaning february-march I suddenly started to come back - it started with an oldie radio station wich played "Moi Lolita" and I was in the car like "What ? really ?" And like a click went in my head - the next day I had my youtube full of interviews and music and nostalgia. Also I caught up with some things - I knew her path with dancing and everything but I didn't get a good look on all the interviews , her latest albums promotion and all that ... So seeing new videos of her even though they are 5-6 y old ...for me it was awesome ! And I am in a part of my life where I see somewhat of an uncertain future and I am my mind brought me back to the single thing that always soothed me and made pe feel optimistic and all ..the Alizée phenomenon... And boom I got better ! so ... being into a psychosis ain''t good but if it works for you and helps out it's nothing bad about it ! I am one of those fans even though I tattooed my arm , that I wouldn't ask for an autograph or a photograph if I met her... I will just gladly receive a handshake and let her know she did help a lot of people ! And I will do this one day - sooner than later ! it's not an impossible goal to reach. And it's a personal goal. A few seconds , a handshake and trying not to sound like a creep or faint like an idiot. That's all ! And to be honest I have seen some discussion about her return or not to the stage...At this point I do not care. I am still in love with the nostalgia of MCE so even if she does come back it will be a nice bonus but not the same !

And I think she diserves her life kinda private - She did enough - a forced comeback won't do good - I am a very good connoisseur of the sour taste of FUCKING STRESS ! and I do not want to see her forced...

We need to understand the Alizée brand we fell in love with is kinda gone - The person still exists and she's as sweet as ever for me ! But that's the truth...We can't bring back 2000-2003 Lilly back no matter what ! So , dwell into the nostalgia , appreciate the fact it did change you in somewhat degree and that's it. All the money I spent needlesly in the last decade ... Man if I had that back in 2003-2007 I could have met her 10 times. Just drop by say hi and go away !

Also I know - no matter how much some will disagree with this - A lot of people fell in love with her for all her traits

But ... there are some that imagined themselves at least once as her boyfriend let's face it. It's normal and happens to everyone but as long as it doesn't evolve into an obsession - at that point is no longer the personality or the music ... and it's a sad path to go on ! I am not judging - we all had maybe one little pretty deep thought about it , let's face it ! But it's an innocent one if it doesn't evolve as I sayd.

I see life different and we all should. There's nothing wrong in taking a dip into nostalgia but don't fall all in ... She is a person like all of us , special in her way , she has a lot of traits that attracts you and would like to have her as a friend aswell - even if she wasn't "The Alizée " - and you met her with her personality I bet you would like having her around no matter what. That''s the feeling I am getting about her all the time. Trying to look at it past the fame and music - imagine as she never was a star... This could help appreciate her in more ways. That's why I don't want any autographed pictures or stuff. I want one look , one handshake and 2 - 3 words , enough for me ! Having someone in your life that important that actually helps out without even knowing you by just being herself is a bit special and it diserves and effort to meet and greet. All being done not at the expense of her privacy ofc ! I wouldn't just drop by but I will keep an eye opened for any kind of public appearance where a meeting is welcomed.

As I sayd - if you respect her as much - she diserves her privacy and family quiet time. Altough she is always great with fans meets and never ever has turned down anyone

I am still clenching my teeth because I became a very succesful photographer and the climax of my career as a personal note would have been photographing her - but ... hey ... who knows ?! might happen. And not to keep the photos to myself or to boost my portfolio.

It's not constructive to share my old thoughts about her - these are new - as I went throught life I found out wich things do posses value and wich don't .

So long story short - Psychosis or not - if it helps , it's welcomed ! if it pushes you towards destructive behaviour then you should remind yourself that's not what she intended with any of us ! Every artist loves hers/his crazy fans but there's a boundary. And she is grateful for us I can tell but pushing the anvelope is not good for any of us ! Not the case here or anything but things do happen in life.

Also : for the old members around - wich of the "Old Guard" are still around ? I used to know Brian01 , Orion and few others ...anyone know if or how could I get in touch with any of them for good ol'times sake ?
Excellent remarks!

Ok, you're already a veteran member, and it's a unfortunate if you forgot your old nickname, but most of all, it's great when you're here again!

Once again, I have to pay attention to the fact that a lot of people say Alizée has almost saved them by their existence!

I also have [“of course”] a bit of a similar experiences, which is why (just one of many reasons) I would have liked to find her much earlier.

One can only hope that Alizée knows and is aware of it, because she may not read these conversations very much about herself...

By the way, when did you first see her?!

Namely, at least in my case... On the other hand, there might also be a kind of "luck" that I only found her properly as an adult, because it - very strong Alizée psychosis™🤤 - could have been even harder for me to deal with it all at a much younger age.

Because I’m actually the kind of person who “falls in love” with almost every beautiful woman I see - but at the same time I forget most of them just as quickly, maybe in just a few minutes....

Alizée is something completely different! And I don't know how I would have survived my madness if I had been really young then...

So again quite contradictory, but ah also so wonderfully contradictory, because we are talking about Alizée!

Alizée 💜
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