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Old 04-19-2022, 07:24 AM
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Originally Posted by Alexx89 View Post
Remember that we are talking about a multiple win situation. Yes the main reason is to meet her once...working with her is a dream aswell but not impossible - I worked with proffesionals before and some I had to pay to promote my portofolio but some just wanted to help , whatever the situation is I'll be happy to oblige and of course after all enjoying a vacation in Ajaccio if you are there anyway is not a bad addition either.

I can't remember RMJ's over the top posts - but I left everything in 2010 if I remember correctly so maybe I did not catch him at his "best". Was it that bad ? I mean I am used to enthusiastic fans - gee I was / am one of them but where is the line between enthusiastic and downright creepy ?

I do remember once there was a guy on AF that started posting sexual fantasyes but he got banned pretty quick. Anyway the whole ideea is not to judge someone - we all have the same enthusiasm - just that some people really like to share it a lot and it may come as a bit too much.

It's sad that some people are losing it ! It's a shame tbh - but you can't really know his/hers background and what led to this ... All we can do is either listen or let the Admins take action if it crosses a line and breaks forum rules. That is all )
I think if anybody wants to work with Alizee to any extent, they need to go through her agent. She has a new one she hired in the last year or so but his name slipped my mind.

Regarding RMJ, let's just say there was a good reason he was banned and posts deleted and it serves no purpose to repost anything. There isn't anybody here on the forum that has their membership in jeopardy. We like and welcome new Alizee fans because their enthusiasm is contagious.

I never visited AF but heard stories about it, and what happened to them is just not going to happen here. Needless to say, any posts with sexual fantasies will be deleted and the member banned without warning. We have moderated this forum the last 5 or 6 years by the informal rule that if Alizee or a member of her family gets on this site and reads, will they be offended? We've allowed some criticism of Alizee because we don't want to operate on the pretense that Alizee can do no wrong, because we all know she has. For her family members, we just don't tolerate any criticism.

We think the forum rules are fair and not overly strict. We all have a common interest and our community is pretty small these days, so it's uncommon that we have to take some sort of action besides tapping somebody on the shoulder now and then.
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