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Old 05-30-2022, 05:26 PM
Mr Coucou Mr Coucou is offline
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Mr Coucou is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Alexx89 View Post
Anyways - I am curious about your own storyes - where and when did the "click"happen ? and how ? .. let's keep it interesting for old times sake - since we ain't got much to talk about anyway.
I won't say too much about me personally; I'm too weird. But I will talk about how it happened. ("It" !!!)

"It" happened in March 2018. I found her on youtube--- I'm not sure which video I saw first. But that video led me to En Concert. I found myself compulsively watching the En Concert videos over and over. After a few hours of compulsively watching En Concert videos, it dawned on me that I was fascinated by her. Absolutely fascinated.


Once again, this goes back to the million-dollar question: what is it about her that is so appealing? What was it about her that grabbed me?

It could be a number of things--- but I think more than anything else its something about her face. Its as if her face is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. That was my initial reaction to En Concert; and it is my reaction to this very day.

When I say that her face is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, I'm not exaggerating. Its not hyperbole--- that really is how it seems. I'm mesmerized by her face--- fascinated by it, drawn to it somehow. Its like being under a spell. And I'm still not sure why.

Normally when I'm attracted to a woman, I'm fascinated by both her face and her body. (And her entire body, right down to her hands.) But with Alizee, I'm fascinated by her face only; its almost as if I ignore her body. (Not there is anything wrong with her body. I'm just drawn to her face.)

(Okay, I'll stop writing for now.)
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