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Old 07-28-2022, 10:53 AM
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Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I think Alizée-Nederland may have posted it first, but he usually posts just the link so it's not always obvious what he's posting but thanks to both you guys for bringing this to the forum's attention.

I've been thinking about this over for the past week. I'll probably buy these I'm sure but to tell you the truth, I'm not the least bit excited about this. I think it's because we seldom get to see her on a personal level anymore and I feel myself drifting away. Sure there's a sprinkling of magazine articles every now and then and by the way, thank you to Alizée-Nederland and others for bringing those to our attention, but there's not really much substance to them as far as her fan base is concerned.

There are many beautiful pictures of her family. We wish her family all happiness and good health and we love that she shares pictures of them, but that is not the main reason for us being here. We are here to see her.

Now we've accepted the fact that we'll seldom if ever, get to see her perform again, but it pains to see she never addresses her fans on a personal level. We only get to see and hear her when she's selling something.

Me and others spend hours looking for pictures we've missed or some stills from a video that might appeal to current fans and draw in new fans and that's getting harder and harder to do and quite frankly it's getting old. It seems the only time we get to see her on video is when she's selling something.
Well said.
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