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Old 10-23-2023, 08:37 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2021
Location: City of Washington, United States
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Marshal Davout is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Scruffydog777 View Post
I think most of you know that I've been paying the small cost of $25/mo Ben asks to keep the forum going. I will end that support at the end of the year. I had actually planned on doing it earlier this year but got side tracked by many other things. It's just that everything has been going up in price and the small amounts I send here and there for this and that have become more noticeable amounts and I only see that situation getting worse.

I've kept this going in the hope something meaningful in the way of singing would come along but "meaningful" is not going to happen.

I doubt if anyone will pick up those payments because I think everyone has lost hope and they are impacted in the same way I am.

I notified Ben that December's payment will be my last. I don't know if he might still keep the forum running or not. If it comes to an end, well it was a good ride while it lasted.
Thank You ! Scruffy for all your hard work on the Forum and all the financial support. i know you came up with some support for the medical apartment in Marseille,I think it was, so that there would be an apartment for families to go to; if someone had Cancer in Corsica and had to go to the hospital in Marseille ! Your are a real Saint ! I know Prices of everything are going up in the states and that hurts everybody ! Being semi-retired I would have to see if I could come up with $25 a month; but I don't think I know who Ben is or where to send it ? Perhaps if my books hit, I will have more money ! I can't lose the forum ! Where else can I post all my crazy ideas ? Ha !
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