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Old 10-31-2023, 08:24 PM
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Bamagirl Bamagirl is offline
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Originally Posted by Paulina View Post

I can’t say I’m a fan of discord. I’ve never been into chat rooms which is basically what discord is. If you want to find information or a comment someone made that had some good content attached to it, good luck because that simply doesn’t exist with discord. While reddit is great for finding answers to a question you may have asked on google, I wouldn’t say it’s great for community and getting to know users. There’s a lot of censorship on Reddit as well. Nobody likes trolls or people creating flamewars but Reddit takes things a bit too far with the banhammer. Twitter is like a large Petco aquarium tank filled with tons of feeder mice all shouting into the void. No meaningful discussion is likely to take place due to so many trolls and bots and you have a limit of what you can actually type unless you’re paying Elon’s monthly fee for a premium account. Lastly, on Facebook you can have groups but these groups are subject to spammers with “witch doctors” from Nigeria asking everyone to send them money on Telegram along with fake widow or widowed profiles “wanting to get to know you better.” Reporting these users also risks your group getting removed. And probably one of the worst aspects, due to Facebook’s strict algorithm to seek out “harmful content” users can find themselves being temporarily banned for saying something as innocuous as “That workout really beat my ass.”
I want thank you for the rundown of social media sites. I have heard of Discord,Reddit and of course Twitter, but never use them. Your snapshots of each are wonderfully descriptive!
Also, you are 100% right about FB. I moderate a group and actually got a warning from FB for posting group rules!
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