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Old 01-13-2024, 01:08 PM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default The Ninja and the Shaolin

Thank You Scruffy ! Apparently I have the affliction that compels me to write ! Ha ! But I need a series like Harry Potter or Game of Thrones to make some money ! And unfortunately I am still working on my books.
Kane, the Shaolin waited at the station for the Auxiliary train on the other track to pull in. When it did the Ninja got off; but to all appearances he appeared to be the office engineer and map-maker he seemed to be. Kane bowed to him in the oriental way out of respect; I am Kane, I am to escort you to the office and the sleeper car , he said. The Ninja bowed back to show respect. It is not far; we can walk along the track, said Kane taking the Ninja's luggage. The Ninja, however kept his wide map case tube on a strap over his arm !
They walked along in silence, but as they passed by a railway car piled high with railroad ties, first one upright pole broke off and then another, so all of the ties tumbled out on top of them. The Shaolin's extraordinary reflexes took over instantly and he grabbed the map maker and threw him and himself out of the way of the ties ! They both rolled into a sitting defensive posture, as if in combat !
The Ninja spoke first; You have saved my life, he said ! His map tube had got thrown off of his arm and spilled open and the top had come off and a Samurai sword and it's hilt spilled out partly. Kane then said; That is a Samurai Sword ! Yes ; having saved his life, Kane had the advantage of the Ninja so he had to tell the partly truth ! Yes he said; it was my Great-Grandfather's Sword and my Grand-father's and Father's and now it has come down to me, so I keep it with me ! so then you are a Samurai ? Yes; said the Ninja; although he didn't tell him he was a Ninja ! He killed Samurai for a living ! He knew what a Samurai was going to do before he did it !
But as they fell; the Shaolin's sleeve had gone up and the Ninja spied the Dragon's symbol on his arm ! This is no ordinary Chinese the Ninja thought ! He tried to place the symbol. Then he remembered; You are A Shaolin Priest ! They say you cannot be killed and that you can walk through walls ! People have a tendency to exaggerate said Kane. Show me your Dragons said the Ninja ! Kane rolled up his sleeves and showed him the Dragons burn tattooed into his arms ! Kane thought I have never fought a Samuraii before, I wonder how hard it is ? At the same time the Ninja was thinking; I have never killed a Shaolin before, I wonder how hard it is ? ( to be continued )

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 01-13-2024 at 01:30 PM..
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