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Old 02-26-2024, 12:05 AM
Marshal Davout Marshal Davout is offline
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Default Our Lander Fell Over on the Moon..

Our Lander Fell Over on the Moon; which brings up the question; How come they don't put something on it to right it, if it falls over ? And how much did it cost us to get it there ? I know in the old Robot wars show; if a Robot got knocked over by another Robot; it could usually right itself ! So how come this isn't built into our space landers ? Also sometimes I hear that the rover's on Mars might have trouble because their solar cells are Dusty ! So why don't the roves have some kind of windshield wipers on them ? Anyway in hoinor of this is the old hit Eight Miles High by the Byrds !

And their other notable hit Mr Tambourine man

Last edited by Marshal Davout; 02-26-2024 at 12:14 AM..
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