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Old 02-07-2007, 08:38 PM
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General Patton General Patton is offline
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Originally Posted by Bob View Post
yes i'm back, i've been reading up on everything too, hope our lili comes back soon. but i'm havin problems with my xbox 360 and knowing quite a few people here are video game players, i was wondering who could help me. my 360 likes to overheat all of a sudden. when i turn it on, it used to play for 15 mins then freeze up. now it will just flash me the 3 red rings of overheatedness. i don't want to deal with microsoft, and it doesn't seem to be a ventilation problem, i've pretty much dangled the system in mid-air while playing to see if it would turn on. thanks all
Had the same problem the three red LED light that blink is known as the "Ring of Death" this means there has been a mechanical failure.
I dealt with Microsoft and the process went by quickly. This has happened to me and another friend. Just call Microsoft, I didn't even have to wait they answered right away I told them the problem they asked a few questions. After that you'll give them your address then they send in a box to put your 360 in (don't worry its protected) it goes to Microsoft they probably will just give you a new 360 and then a few days later you have your 360 back.
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