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Old 02-14-2007, 01:41 AM
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Originally Posted by Dotty Old Man View Post
Oh, isn't that so nice, Moe ? I suppose with an attitude like that, you "prolly" need a dozen or so slaps in the face to to teach you that you shouldn't treat people so poorly, and you espeicially do not kick someone when they're down. If you want to read a stupid post, how about one where a forum moderator suggests that a user needs "2-3 or 50 punchs" ? Hope that doesn't offend you, Moe, and if it does, well, "sry".

I've just lost all respect for you, Moe. And atra, you're fine as you are, especially if the ladies of the forum say so.
well i was taught to tell the truth... and i don't need anyone to teach me how to deal with ppl...and as for the mod thing i had the same opinion b4 and i still have it now and i have the Courage to say it in his face.

and no it doesn't offend me.

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