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Old 02-24-2007, 12:00 AM
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Edcognito Edcognito is offline
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Default I work in a hospital -

I have for 14 years now.

Suicidal Ideation is VERY often not "rational".... You can't just "fix" it. Sometimes its just brain chemistry, and sometimes its biological (disease) related.

As for your example of the cancer patient. I've seen it man, with my own two eyes.

When Morphine or Diloted (spelling) won't touch the pain, when every second is horrifying, when a person is afraid their going to die, and even more terrified they wont - because it gets worse, and will NEVER get better (except in that one in 500,000,000 chance).....

Alizee' would only insult them. Not HER, but YOUR belief that they could somehow "recover'. Sometimes there is NO recovery. Your going to have to learn that if your working in a hospital/health care setting.

Death is NOT to be feared. It WILL come to all of us in time.....

And if your a Doctor, how could you not want to "Allivate" their suffering at the end?

I've been here too long, and seen too much not to know that for some people, at the very end, Dying with dignity is a FAR greater gift.....

(Just IMHO (my $0.02 worth)......

Good luck
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