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Old 02-28-2007, 09:45 AM
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badog7 badog7 is offline
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badog7 is on a distinguished road

Im just suggesting that perceiving Alizee as entirely good is a bad thing because it de-humanises her-she is no saint- she eloped from her french fans and subsequently, from that one act-all of us. She had her reasons which have been speculated upon but it is not the "betrayal' that is of concern its the lack of communication with her fans-her reason d'etre as a pop star..
Im also suggesting that comparing Alizee with other pop-stars is pointless-not because she is 'perfect' compared to them (I dont think anyone is!) but because they are different from other cultures and cope with their fame/notoriety according to their personality. Basically who cares about most of them..because they have no real talent to sustain their careers. Mention has also been made in these forums of some of her late 2003 performances being below par- i saw one tonight- on the german top of the Pops doing JEAM- she is distracted and not concentrating- there are other examples of the repetition was getting to her or the end she retreated, whether because of the lack of sales (were alizee sales affected by the massive downloading via napster back then? ) or because of her desire for a family instead of a career..only she knows for sure > and shes not telling us.
Being a popstar does make unreasonable demands upon the individual and I think we see a glimpse of that underlying concern in these performances. Its to Alizee's credit that it is only momentary.
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