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Old 08-12-2006, 05:26 PM
Bob Bob is offline
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Originally Posted by Pirate515
I believe that privacy laws make it illegal to snap and/or publish anyone's picture(s) without their permission. Celebrities, however, are the exception to these laws, that's how paparazzi scums get away with what they do. Since Alizee is a celebrity, it is probably perfectly legal to snap and publish her pictures. Anny-Lee, however, does NOT hold a celebrity status, therefore, her face is blurred out to protect photographers/publishers from legal liability.

I wonder if the magazines that did publish Anny-Lee's pictures had Alizee's/Jeremy's permission to do so. Does anyone know if these magazines were reputable ones or tabloids?

By the way, Alizee hates paparazzi with passion (and rightfully so). Did any of you see the picture of her giving a finger to one of these scumbags who was following her around for a few blocks (I guess it means the same thing in France as it does here)?
ya i saw those photos awhile back, but i mean seriously, if you have people who follow your every move, and stalk you everywhere you go, just for some photos i mean im pretty sure it would get annoying..
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