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Old 04-06-2007, 12:51 PM
theit77 theit77 is offline
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theit77 is on a distinguished road

Originally Posted by Twitch View Post
Wollongong is in Australia, your seasons are reversed so for you April is in the Fall and Winter is on its way, is it not? Around here usually for most parts of the country April doesn't look like this, sorry I didn't have a chance to go somewhere more scenic, this was just what it was like outside when I got up today, the snow is still accumulating.

I guess I was just annoyed because it had been really warm the last few weeks and it is kind of a tease when you get the warm weather for a few days and then it goes away for at least another couple of weeks. But I don't really mind it a fresh layer of snow gives you a chance to get out one last time before you have to put away all your Winter activities for the Summer, and since this is the Easter long weekend I'm sure I am not going to be the only one.
I'd love to live where you live, I love snow
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