Thread: Toronto Sucks
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Old 04-19-2007, 04:03 PM
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Azereus Azereus is offline
Join Date: Oct 2006
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Posts: 86
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Being a Torontonian myself, I can definately see what the rest of the country (or world?) sees when saying that Torontonians can be unfriendly, arrogant, ignorant, or any combination of the above. I've got many relatives who moved to Toronto from out of city/province/country/planet who all complain about how "cold" people here are in one way or another.

What causes it? I wish I knew. Maybe some of it is the bustle and rushing attitude of a big city that has a large economy. Part of it could the be population density and how it affects people on a large scale. I'm not looking for excuses, but explanations. I for one would like to see it change.

And don't get me started on how Toronto's being run. I do think that Toronto is a great city, but it does have juuuuust a few problems.
"Alizee" = God's beauty poured into a woman and packaged by the French.
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