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Old 05-02-2007, 04:46 PM
Pirate515 Pirate515 is offline
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Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
They say that opportunity knocks once. Alizee had the chance to make it in America. For some reason Mylene made the decision not to do so.
I'm not even sure if it was Mylene's decision not to promote Alizee here in the US. In fact, I'm sure that the idea of it has crossed Mylene's mind, and she would have at least tried to make it a reality if she could. It could have been Alizee herself who wanted to stay away form the American market; after all, she was once asked about it in an interview and answered by comparing herself to Britney and how she jumps between different corners of the world on a daily basis and how that kind of lifestyle is just not for her. Or it could have been Polydor/Universal who did not want to promote Alizee here.

And when it comes to Alizee, I don't agree with the "opportunity knocks once" comment and I don't think that Alizee has blown her chance to make it here just yet. Musicians have their highs and lows, and that gives them plenty of second chances. So what if her first two albums are pretty much unknown here? She has a third one on the way and if it drives her back to the top of the charts in Europe, it just might generate enough buzz for her to get noticed here.

Originally Posted by Rocket View Post
We can make an argument about America turning our noses up at French singers. But, as it has been proven before, it's all in how you promote it.
In my opinion, this exactly is the problem with the American music industry. They keep promoting the artists of their choice (most of whom suck), and the public falls for it. If the promotion machine says that a certain artist is the next best thing, they buy into it and think the same thing too.

Surely, we can organize a collective effort and convince some marketing executives at a major US-based record label about how great Alizee is and get them to promote her all over the media. The next thing you know is that Alizee will be all over radio, TV, magazines and the Internet and her album sales will go through the roof. But what's the fun in that? Personally, I'd rather see the American public like Alizee for her music and for the kind of person that she is, not because some promoters say so.
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