Thread: The Unexplained
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Old 05-30-2007, 08:34 PM
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Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
Ghost ? LOL .
yeah pretty anybody who has never had a ghostly encounter completely denies this.

Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
UFOs ? Nope...

Extra terrestrial life ? Yes.

Why only the latter ? Becaue it doen't really need any believing anyways. It's simple math. Universe is fucking big place so it's very unlikely that there's no life..
correct. its actually so big, that it goes on forever into infinity. which means theres also an infinite number of intelligent life, and also an infinite number of intelligent life that far excedes our own technology by thousands of years, or however many years. and yet, not a one has visited us?

Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
So, all odds are on extra terrestrial life (not necessary intelligent, but even that is very likely to exist).
But no, I don't believe there's UFOs and other shit. They are just stories..
stories, with plenty of video evidence to boot. so much video evidence and eye witnesses and other shit that brings a whole country, and the whole world for that matter, to talk about it. if its all one big hoax that's easily proven false, we wouldnt be here talking about it right now. there's just too much shit to completely deny any of it, and to say they are just "stories."

Originally Posted by RMJ View Post
If there would be another intelligence, advanced enough to travel billions of light years to here, we'd know of them, or we'd never heard of them. If they were hostile, we'd be long gone. If they were friendly, they'd never reveal themselves to us, or they would contact us directly, totally depending which would be better for üs.
an interesting point was made on a television show i saw years ago.

imagine a civilization such as our own, with the same technology as we have right now, with the same air crafts, space crafts, satellites, etc, living on another world like our own in another galaxy. easy enough.

now imagine a civilization that was once like our own, but are now 1000 years ahead of us on a technological scale. they have conquered space, and have mastered the technology effecient enough to travel billions of light years away from their own galaxy. of course. hell, why not make it 1000,000 years. imagine a civilization 1 million years ahead of us. thats some major technology we're talking about. if we had that kind of technology, we would certainly use it to visit other planets.

honestly, i think we're a bore to them. thats why they havent revealed themselves to us. if they found us interesting, why not land on the damn White House lawn and announce themselves to the whole world. they just drop by every once in a while to drive us up shit creek, and basically to fuck with us. hey, aliens have a sense of humor too.

EDIT: not to imply that Alizee would be a bore to an alien civilization. they havent seen the La Isla Bonita video yet, so no wonder they havent landed on the white house lawn

Last edited by nurvonic; 05-30-2007 at 08:46 PM..
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