Thread: The Unexplained
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Old 05-30-2007, 08:52 PM
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Originally Posted by Drake498 View Post
The one in Prison was at Eastern State Penitentiary was more towards the evening when i visted, the central 'hub' i guess is where you can look down all the halls of the prison similtaneously, i was hoping to see some sort of spectre but instead i felt as if i was always seeing something out of the corner of my eye, never being fast enough to fully look. It's not a strong account, but i strongly belive something or someone was there.

The second was creepy, i was in my friends basement where him and I with a few other friends had a party, most of them went home, but i stayed the night, i crashed on the futon. when i woke up, things were a little but normal otherwise. then someone walked past me, i assumed it was my friend but instead it was a woman, she was clothed but it was as if she had been completely sliced in half a couple times, i was dead silient, she looked at me then left. i got up and went over to my friend lying in his bed, i asked him later about what happened, he said that he'd seen her too, idk if that true but he described the same woman. he perceded to tell me that one of the poeple that once owned the house was murdered and then sliced and stuffed into the huge AC vent in the wall... I've slept over a couple other times at his house but haven't seen her recently at all
Hehe... Love to believe it, but its all quite far-fetched to me, especially with the previous owner being murdered and such... Sounds like the TV show "Medium".

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