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Old 07-03-2006, 07:11 PM
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Although I lbelieve I listed my birthdate as 1980, in reality I'm 45 years old. Yes, a number of my friends in the 30s and 40s also like Alizee. Just because we're older doesn't mean that we can't appreciate the beauty, sexiness, and quality among other things that make up Alizee. Indeed, I've had many people that I've shown her "J'en ai marre" video to tell me that she is the sexiest woman they've ever seen. Probably because she is so different than anyone we've ever seen before. Whether she was 16 or 21 (as she is now) or 65, Alizee will always be a sexy, beautiful, and a classy woman.

I'm a self-employed computer technician and always use the "J'en ai marre" video to demonstrate to customers how the video, audio, and WinDVD work. Everyone, men and women always have the same reaction: firstly shock, because they've never seen anything like her before. Secondly, one of amazement, and thirdly, "Where can I get a copy?" or "Where can I get more of her?"

Recently, after installing a computer on a commercial fishing vessel (Sea Venture) in Seattle (Ballard area) and accidently leaving a copy of Alizee (J'en ai marre) on the computer I got a call the very next day from what first appeared to be an angry skipper. His voice was very belligerent and he was yelling on the phone. After he calmed down and I could understand him, he wasn't mad at all. Actually, he was yelling, "Who is the F*ing woman, she is the sexiest F*ing woman I've ever seen in my life!" "The crew wants to see more of her and so do I, where can I get more of her?"

Apparently the skipper is so proud of all the Alizee videos that I (later) supplied him that he's been showing them off to many other skippers while in Alaska. I got a call the other day from someone I've never met (probably got my number from the other skipper) asking me if I would send him some Alizee videos. It seems that the first skipper likes to show Alizee's videos to everyone but won't share them with anyone. And most people (up there) that see Alizee's videos think she's extremely sexy but they don't know who she is or where to get more, (very frustrating for them, I'm sure.)

As far as the comment wanting to be me, I'm no one special. I was lucky enough to be invited to Alizee's 21st birthday party, fanclub party not her real party (The reason I went to Paris.) Although, Achille did make a phone call to someone high up in the Paris edition of Alizee's fanclub and found out where she was most probably going to be dining on Thursday night. Don't ask how, I don't know. There are over 12,000 restaurants and cafes in Paris so I was extremely (once-in-a-lifetime lucky) to get to meet her, if only for a few minutes. I would consider her a very down-to-earth, conservative French woman. Family values and all that kind of stuff. I did get to kiss her hand. Very soft skin with sweet smelling perfume. Achille said that over 90% of French women wear perfume.

She does speak a little English but like most foreigners seems to be intimidated to try and speak it to a native English speaker. Achille translated most of what she said to me. She seemed to be just as curious about us as I was about her, although she's been to the US before. She said she stayed at the Circus, Circus in Las Vegas. Don't ask why... I know she could have afforded a much better hotel. She did allow me to take one picture of her with her friends (for my personal collection) but told me that if it ever ended up on a website that she would beat me up (she then laughed.)

So never say never; miracles can and do happen. Although I know I will never, ever, ever get a chance to meet her again, I would like to go to her next concert tour, if she ever has one. I would have attended her first concert tour (back in 2003) but I didn't know she existed then. But I love the concert DVD.

That's about all I know.

- Cybersoil

Last edited by cybersoil; 07-03-2006 at 07:14 PM..
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